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How to Quickly Craft Perfect Resumes for Any Job You Want in No Time

Customizing your CV for different job applications is an essential strategy to stand out in a competitive job market.
Tailoring your resume allows you to highlight the most relevant skills and experiences that align with the specific needs of each role. Whether you're applying for positions in different industries, targeting distinct job functions, or addressing varying levels of responsibility, customizing your CV can make a significant impact. 


In this post, I'll provide tips, tricks and step-by-step processes to help you proactively stand out in a competitive market:

  • Tailor your resume for each job to enhance your appeal - in no time (here's an example of the outcome)
  • Prepare a comprehensive 'single source' CV in Google Drive for efficient, automated applications.
  • Optimize your LinkedIn profile for AI-driven job recommendations.
  • Show your personality and network, network, network.

Two Hard and Fast Rules or Job Searches 

In my career, I've followed two crucial rules for job searching: always customize your resume for each position you're genuinely interested in, and strive to be memorable. Customization gives you an edge in a crowded candidate pool, while a compelling personal narrative helps you stand out. Each job hunt is an opportunity to refine your storytelling skills and make a lasting impact. 

Reflecting on my own job search journeys, I remember being taught in high school the value of delivering my CV directly to companies, even if they weren't hiring at the time. Today, I understand the importance of leveraging innovative strategies that fit our fast-paced digital age, while still balancing them with traditional methods. 

Over the years, I've honed my approach to job searching by documenting the most effective resume-building and automation strategies. This guide offers actionable steps to streamline your job search: 

  • I'll share my step-by-step automation process to automate your tailored CVs effortlessly using tools you already have—no budget required!
  • How making personal connections through platforms like the internet, WhatsApp, and even a good old-fashioned phone call can help you stand out in the hiring process by forging memorable connections. 

Get Ready 

Preparation is vital. This section outlines:

  • the importance of your LinkedIn profile

  • sourcing your total experience and skills

  • setting up your Google drive for automation

Although it may take a few hours initially, this investment will enhance your applications immensely. 

What You Need to Get Started 

I’m laying out the tools here just in case you don’t already have them. All are free tools. So, if you don’t already have subscriptions - this is the time to set that up too. 

You’ll need subscriptions to: 

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • A subscription with ChatGPT or any other alternative
  • Job position platforms
  • Preferably, a LinkedIn account and profile 

Optimizing Job Searches with LinkedIn AI 

To make the most of LinkedIn's AI-powered job recommendations, ensuring your profile is up-to-date and polished is crucial. A well-maintained profile maximizes the effectiveness of this intelligent matching tool, which analyzes your profile, past applications, and network interactions to suggest job opportunities tailored to you. 

Regularly updating your profile increases the chances of receiving relevant job recommendations. Engaging with your network further amplifies these benefits, as LinkedIn's system is designed to identify suitable candidates based on their interactions and connections. 

Stay proactive in optimizing your profile to unlock LinkedIn's full potential in your job search. 

Make a Single Source CV 

Create a comprehensive 'single source' CV that includes every relevant experience, responsibility, and achievement that you consider important for at least one of the roles you're considering. 

Organizing this document is a robust foundation for crafting tailored resumes for specific applications, maximizing your chances of landing your desired opportunities. You'll want to keep this up-to-date too - whenever you remember a skill you hadn't added and whenever you acquire a new skill - add it! Same for jobs. 

(While I won't delve deeply into CV structures here, I encourage using industry best practices, like quantifying achievements and using ATS-friendly formats, to ensure effectiveness. Check out Harvard Business Review for some great guidance on these and other career-related topics). 

Automation with Google Drive 

Central to my job-hunting guide is maximizing efficiency through automation. I've created a comprehensive Google Docs CV template with fields automatically populated based on position-specific data. The template works in conjunction with a Google Sheets database

Once you run the provided Google Apps Script (this is when you start creating customized CVs), it:

  1. Reads the data from the third row in the spreadsheet.
  2. Copies the Google Docs template into your designated Drive folder.
  3. Replaces all placeholders with the specific role details, achievements, experiences, and skills from that row.
  4. Generates a new CV document named to reflect the job title and the current date (e.g., CV_YOURNAME:JOBTITLE-2024-12-10).

Want more details about the backed? Read more here.

To make the magic happen, you'll need to follow a one-time setup. 

Set up your environment

  1. Create a dedicated folder in your drive.
  2. Copy the folder ID of the folder from the URL and save it for use on the side - paste it in a Note or something similar. 

  3. Download this file. When you click the linked, it should automatically download as a Comma Separated Values (.csv). Store the copy in your new dedicated folder.
  4. Make a copy of Your CV Template.
  5. Store the copy in your new dedicated folder.
  6. Open your Google Docs CV template file.
    1. Replace all personal information with your own—this is the standard, static information that every CV should contain (contact information, education, etc.). This information is highlighted in the template so that you can easily identify and replace it: 
    2. Important! Placeholders, or variables, are included in order to enable the automation of your CVs. These variables are enclosed with {{}}. For example, {{Skills}}. Ensure all variables remain within the template - though you can move them around.
      You'll also notice that education and language appear twice. This is for convenience. After you automate each CV you'll see which appears more nicely and then delete the other.
    3. Copy the file ID from the URL and save it for a few minutes - paste it in the same Note as the previous step for example. 
    4. Edit the CV template format if you prefer a different layout. Make sure you leave all placeholders in the template - though the position is not important.
  1. Open the Google Sheets file.
    1. Copy the file ID from the URL and save it - paste it in the same Note as the previous step for example. 

    2. Now, also from Google Sheets , go to Extensions=>Apps Script
      Important! During this step, ensure you change absolutely no punctuation or any other values in the script to ensure that it works properly when you’ve finished updating.
    3. Go to the tab that opens and you'll see the formatting script.
    4. Using the values you copied and saved, replace the IDs:

      1. Replace the sheetId with the ID you saved from Google Sheets.
      2. Replace the templateId with the Google Docs ID you saved.
      3. Replace the folderId with the ID of the dedicated folder you created.
    5. Finally, replace yourname in  [yourname]_CV with your last name.
  2. 💡Consider saving basic details from your "single-source" CV within your template to easily replace hallucinations with accurate information. Highlighting these details can help you identify and remove them quickly when you're finished.

  3. Now you can close the scripts tab - and any other tab until you’re ready to start making CVs. 🎉 

Now what? Next, I’ll explain how to determine the customizations that are best for each role. Thereafter, I’ll show you step-by-step how to use all of this information and the above setup to automate CV customization.

Get Set 

Now - it’s time to find a job that you’re interested and create a CV that aligns with that role specifically.

Analyze Jobs that Interest You 

When it comes to securing job opportunities, leveraging automation tools can significantly enhance your application process while helping you stand out from the competition. Here's how you can streamline your job search while ensuring your resume truly reflects your strengths. 

Start by diving into the details of job postings. Rather than skimming, break down each listing into core components: required skills, key responsibilities, and preferred qualifications. This careful analysis helps you grasp the important elements employers are seeking, which you can then reflect on your tailored resume. No worries though! This doesn’t take the time it used to. 

For jobs that interest you on LinkedIn specifically, utilizing the automatic skills analysis feature - available for all users - is a game changer. LinkedIn quickly compares your existing skills with those required for the positions you're eyeing.  

 If you notice a mismatch, use this opportunity to update your LinkedIn profile with relevant skills that you may still need to include. 

This is important: 

  • To stand out to recruiters who leverage LinkedIn for reachout campaigns
  • To stand out when applying for the specific job - especially if you share your profile link in your CV and especially if the job offers Easy Apply via LinkedIn 

Maximize AI Tools for Job Matching 

With or without the LinkedIn analysis, you can still semi-automate this process. Leverage your free subscription to ChatGPT (or any other alternative). 

Engage in conversations about job skills and additional requirements to determine whether there's a good fit between you and the role. Via AI bot chats, you can also solicit feedback on how to approach your application.  

Tailor Content to Each Position 

Initial estimated time necessary for each job: this might take you an hour of conversation the first time you start but as ChatGPT understands you better, the process per job continues to shorten.

Estimated time necessary for each job ongoing: 30 minutes 

Remember : this used to take you somewhere between 2.5-5 hours for every job! If you don't believe me, take my word for it because that's what happened to me for loads of job postings before I invented this method. 

After thoroughly understanding the requirements, I map my relevant experiences and achievements to match the job description. But I need help to do this.

💡 No need to pay for resume sites no matter how advanced they claim to be or how beneficial you think they might be! You can achieve the same results for free if you follow this blog post—promise!

💡💡: ChatGPT learns about you over time. In any case, I find it easier to always use the same chat for all job searches. ChatGPT learns about me and remembers the feedback I give about my job search. This helps it work faster and more accurately as I progress. Over time, I need to provide less information for it to be effective! 

Start chatting:

  1. Write in the chat, " I want to apply for the following job ." Don't press Enter yet.
  2. Copy the job description and paste it into the ChatGPT chat.
  3. Write “Don't respond yet - I'm sending more information.”
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Now, if this is a new chat , attach your "single source" CV as well. If you've maxed out your credits for the advanced LLM today, write " following are my credentials " under the job description and then paste the text in. Don't press Enter yet.
  6. Write “ Please write my CV for this job.
  7. Now, press Enter


ChatGPT automatically incorporates strategic keywords from the posting, which are crucial for passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that companies use to screen candidates.

Each resume gets precisely calibrated to match specific role requirements through carefully crafted position summaries, highlighted relevant achievements, and emphasized key competencies.

For instance, when pursuing a technical writing role, ChatGPT emphasized my expertise with documentation platforms like Redoc.ly, Confluence, and GitHub, along with extensive experience building knowledge bases and developers' portals—something that wouldn't appear in a Product Marketing CV, for example.

(P.S. ChatGPT also does some decent formatting.)

For specialized roles in cybersecurity or cloud infrastructure, ChatGPT showcased domain-specific expertise and technical background. 

Refine the Wording 

Remember, while AI tools are powerful, it's essential to maintain your personal touch. 

While automation handles formatting, content customization requires strategic thinking. You need to read the output provided by the chat and ensure it's accurate, looking out for the following: 

  • Missed points that you believe are critical
  • Unique use cases that might require a slightly different approach 

Discuss the issues you find with ChatGPT related to missing information and different structural options. Continue the discussion by reviewing the CV output. Repeat the cycle until you're 80-85% satisfied with the outcome.

Remember: this will improve from job application to job application, especially if you continue using the same chat or subscribe to ChatGPT premium services. 

P.S. the chatbot might also suffer from hallucination . Don’t bother arguing. Just leave those kinds of mistakes and we’ll take care of them manually later.

Automate Formatting 

Estimated time necessary for each job application: 5-10 minutes 

Get a CSV of your Custom CV 

  1. Now, if this is the first time in the chat that you're working on your CV, ask ChatGPT for the customized content to be formatted as a csv file by copying and pasting all of the following in the chat: 
    Organize the CV data as a single row, with no headers, in CSV format with values in the following order:

    JobTitle,Summary,AchievementTitle1,KeyAchievements1,AchievementTitle2,KeyAchievements2,AchievementTitle3,KeyAchievements3,AchievementTitle4,KeyAchievements4,AchievementTitle5,KeyAchievements5,ExperienceTitle1,ExperiencePlaceAndDate1,Experience1,ExperienceTitle2,ExperiencePlaceAndDate2,Experience2,ExperienceTitle3,ExperiencePlaceAndDate3,Experience3,ExperienceTitle4,ExperiencePlaceAndDate4,Experience4,ExperienceTitle5,ExperiencePlaceAndDate5,Experience5,SkillGroup1,Skills1,SkillGroup2,Skills2,SkillGroup3,Skills3,SkillGroup4,Skills4,SkillGroup5,Skills5,Hiring company,,

    where each AchievementTitle is the main heading of the achievement, KeyAchievements is the description of the achievement, ExperienceTitle is the role name, ExperiencePlaceAndDate is the place and period of the job, Experience is a description of the role (the bullets per), SkillGroup is the skill category and Skills are all skills for the category.

    There are 6 fields for each of these: AchievementTitle,KeyAchievements,ExperienceTitle,ExperiencePlaceAndDate,Experience,SkillGroup,Skills

    To strictly follow the required structure, ensure 6 fields for each section (Achievements, Experience, and Skills) are present. Each section will be filled with actual content where available and blank fields where no content is applicable. Ensure you properly close the string and make sure the CSV row is formatted correctly with 6 mandatory fields for each of Achievements, AchievementsTitle, Experiece date and place, Experience title, Experience, SkillsGroup and Skills.

    Don't respond yet - I'm sending an example now before you get started.

  2. Press Enter.
  3. Now write: 
    Here's an example of the CSV structure:
  4. Then copy and paste into the chat the entire contents of the sample CSV file that you downloaded when setting up your environment.
  5. Now press Enter.
    Note: For subsequent requests, you can try writing: please format my CV now as a CSV in the same manner as previously.
  6. Copy the output, paste in a text file and save with the extension .csv

Import the CSV to Google Sheets 

Now, you'll automate formatting. 

  1. Open the Google Sheets that you set up earlier.
  2. Put your cursor on cell A3 .
  3. Insert a new row above. This creates an empty row 3 .
  4. Make sure your cursor is on A3 .
  5. Select File=>Import .
  6. Choose and import the CSV you saved from ChatGPT. 
  7. When prompted, replace data in the selected cell and click Import data  

Note: CSV stands for "Comma-Separated Values." It's a simple file format that stores data in a table, like the information needed for the various parts of your resume. When opened in a spreadsheet, each row is a record (like job experience or key achievements), and each column is a field (like the job you're applying for). Commas separate the values. Using CSV for resumes can be tricky because resumes themselves use commas for grammatical reasons, which can confuse Google Sheets when importing the data. If you run into problems importing the CSV explain the end game to ChatGPT and ask for the formatting to be fixed accordingly. Then try importing again.

💡💡💡Trouble getting ChatGPT to understand you? I've shared one of my conversations with it to help you out a bit more: https://chatgpt.com/share/6757...💡💡💡

  1. Double check that everything imported correctly. If not, share the problem with ChatGPT to get a new updated CSV. 

    Troubleshooting: If the info imports but seems to be misaligned: The biggest problem I've run into so far is that the chat doesn't always insert "blank fields" - which is essentially a double comma with nothing inside. This preserves column values as empty when there is no extra info. So for example, if you have only three key achievements, then the other key achievements need blank values in the CSV in order to import correctly. 

    Simply cut the misaligned values, put the cursor where they should start and then paste. 
  2. Click the New CV button.
    When you click the button for the first time, you might be asked to authorize the script. Follow the steps to authenticate and then the script will run. 

    While the script runs, you’ll see a “Running script” notification. When the CV is ready, a dialog box similar to the following will pop up: 
  3. Go to the folder you created for your CV project and open the new CV. Don't worry if you forgot where it is - the dialog box shows you exactly what it's been named and what folder it's in! 

Automate and Finalize the Custom CV 

Ok. Now it’s time for some manual work. You don't need to pay for resume builders or templates because you'll still have to do a certain amount of manual editing regardless of the tool you choose. And, in any case, the CV should be formatted relatively well. However, the bulleted description for Experience might not actually have bullets.

This is a 10-second fix - go to the end of the first bullet, press Delete once and Enter once. Repeat for every line thereafter: 

Once you've completed the automation and the quick formatting fix, it's crucial to focus on the final touches that will make it stand out and leave a lasting impression:

  • You'll notice that education and language appear twice. Decide which appears more nicely depending on the length and style of your CV, and then delete the other. To preserve formatting, do this as follows: 
    For the education and experience at the bottom, delete the entire row (borders are hidden, but this is all in a table). 
    For the other instance, only delete the text.
  • Eliminate Errors: Thoroughly proofread your resume to catch any typos, grammatical errors, or inconsistencies. Even minor mistakes can undermine your professionalism.
  • Remove Hallucinations and Verify Information
    Carefully review the generated content for any "hallucinations" or fabricated information. Ensure that all claims and details on your resume are truthful and verifiable. Double-check all dates, job titles, company names, and other factual details to ensure accuracy. Inaccurate information can raise red flags for potential employers.

    💡 If you saved some extra info in the template, it's quite convenient now to copy and replace errors with correct information.
  • Remove Unnecessary Info: when you've finished making corrections, delete all unused template details and information.
  • Align Formatting Tools: make sure formatting is consistent. Use the paintbrush to help you fix things up if necessary.

By taking the time to finalize the formatting and ensure accuracy, you'll create a polished and professional resume that effectively showcases your qualifications and increases your chances of landing your dream job. Remember, a well-crafted resume is your first opportunity to make a positive impression on potential employers, so make it count!

Write the Cover Letter 

When it comes to writing cover letters, opinions vary widely. Some people argue that they are not worth the effort, but I believe a well-crafted cover letter can truly set you apart. It offers a unique opportunity to convey your enthusiasm for the position and showcase your personality in a way that a resume simply can't. A couple of thoughtful paragraphs can highlight your relevant experiences and express your passion for the role. Use this moment to connect with the hiring team. Your cover letter is your chance to shine and provide a glimpse of who you are beyond your resume! 

That said, here’s what I recommend if you choose to write a cover letter: 

  • Keep your writing concise. Aim to limit the length of your letter to ensure clarity and maintain the reader’s attention.
  • Don’t reiterate your experience unless there's a specific accomplishment or highlight that distinguishes you in relation to the role you’re applying for, and only then repeat the experience in order to add in the relevant detail.
  • Focus on your genuine excitement for the opportunity. This is your chance to share your enthusiasm and align with the company’s mission. Keep it light—avoid overly formal language, as it can sound robotic.
  • Unlike a CV, a cover letter lets your unique voice shine through. Share insights or anecdotes that reflect who you are and how you'll fit into the company culture, as your passion can impress hiring managers.
  • If the application allows a personal note, consider using that option. It typically requires less preparation and offers a more informal way to connect with the hiring team. This approach saves time while making you more approachable.
  • 💡Feel free to copy and paste these tips and tricks right in the chat where you personalized your CV! This will give you a great starting point and make things way less overwhelming. 


Now it's time to submit your CV in the most optimized way possible and to start making connections.

Network, network, network 🕸️

Before submitting your CV, reach out to your network and explore how they can assist you. Connecting with friends and acquaintances might reveal referral programs or "friends bringing friends" hiring promotions that could enhance your chances of landing a position. A simple message like, "Hey, do you know anyone at XYZ company?” can lead to invaluable guidance and support. Plus, if they refer you, both you and your friend could benefit from any incentives offered by the company! This can make it even more appealing for your network to help you in your job search. 

Submit the Application, Network, Track, and Iterate ♻️

Once you're all set to apply, and assuming you didn't find an inside friend to submit for you, make sure you've carefully followed all the details outlined in the job posting. Employers love detail-oriented candidates, so double-checking that you've ticked all the boxes is a smart move! Demonstrating your attention to detail not only helps the hiring process but also sets you apart as a candidate. After hitting that submit button, it's time for a little light research to learn more about the company and its culture—think of it as a friendly "stalking" session! 

Make Contact 🤙🏽

After submitting your application, the next step is to establish contact with relevant personnel. Start by reaching out to the hiring manager. If their name is not indicated in the job description, you'll need to do some research: 

  1. Visit the company's LinkedIn page and navigate to the "People" tab. Search for your discipline to identify potential hiring managers.
  2. Review the company's website, paying particular attention to the "About Us" or "People" section.
  3. Identify individuals who are most likely to be the hiring manager. 

Once you have identified the hiring manager, I recommend sending them a connection request with a personalized note. This allows you to reach out to others in your immediate and extended network without needing a premium subscription. Don't hesitate to contact them with messages like: "Hi [Name], nice to meet you! I'm Rachel, an enthusiastic Director of PMM with a passion for building from the ground up. I recently submitted my CV and would love to connect!" 

Use the tone that feels right to you. This is also another opportunity to share your personality as well. For example, I once wrote to a manager: “WOW! I’m SO excited to hear about the opening at XYZ. Looking forward to hearing from you about the hiring process.” 

Engaging with Current Employees 💬

If you need help to identify the right person or have yet to make any connections, consider reaching out to other professionals in related roles within the company. I recommend you leverage LinkedIn recommendations for this as well, but don't limit yourself! If no one is listed in the "People You Can Reach Out To" section, if you prefer to contact different employees, or if you're applying from a different platform, you should reach out to the individuals you believe are the best points of contact.

When doing so, you might request an informational interview or seek guidance on navigating the company culture. A suitable message could be: "Hello [Name], I noticed we have similar professional backgrounds, and I would appreciate the opportunity to learn about your experience at [Company]. Would you be available for a brief conversation?"

When communicating with current employees, it's beneficial to have specific questions prepared that can yield helpful information. Inquire about their experiences, company dynamics, or tips for navigating the application process. For instance, you may want to ask, "Could you share what aspects of [Company] you find most valuable and any guidance you might offer to a prospective applicant?"

Reach Out to the Recuiter or Job Poster 🪖

If a recruiter or job poster is identified in the job listing, following up with them is also advisable - especially should you have no updates after a couple of weeks, consider sending a courteous reminder. 

Your message should remain friendly yet brief; email or LinkedIn are suitable platforms for this communication. For example: “Hi [Recruiter's Name], I am reaching out to follow up on my application for [Job Title]. I would appreciate any updates you could provide regarding my application status."

Track Your Progress 🛤️

Maintaining organization is essential in the job search process. The Google spreadsheet also documents the application date, and job title. If you add a status column to track your progress within the same spreadsheet, it will help you stay organized and follow-up properly. Additionally, note any interactions you have with company representatives as this will help you stay informed and prepared for future communication. 

Follow Up and Stay in the Loop ➰

After completing your interview with the hiring manager, it’s important to adopt a proactive approach while waiting for feedback on the next steps in the hiring process. Although this period can often feel uncertain, staying engaged can reinforce your interest in the role and keep you on the hiring manager's radar. 

In your follow-up communication, maintaining a professional and concise tone is crucial. A thoughtfully crafted message can effectively express your enthusiasm for the position while serving as a gentle reminder of your candidacy. For example, you might consider sending a follow-up message like this: 

"I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to check in regarding the status of my application for the [Job Title] position. I remain very enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and would love to hear about any updates you might have." 

This approach not only underscores your continued interest but also shows respect for the hiring manager’s time. 

It’s also worth acknowledging that interviews can be overwhelming. I often find myself absorbing a lot of information during discussions, which can leave me with fewer questions at the moment. Taking the time to reflect after the interview is valuable, as it helps me understand how the role aligns with my skills and career goals. It’s perfectly normal for candidates to feel this way, and it's completely acceptable to reach out later with questions or insights that may arise from your reflections. 

Furthermore, when you send a follow-up email, you can include any additional questions you may have, which will further demonstrate your professionalism. 

Finally, it’s important to also maintain an open line of communication with your primary contact, usually the recruiter. A brief follow-up can be appropriate if you are still waiting to receive a response after a couple of weeks. A simple note like, "Hi [Name], I hope you are well. I wanted to touch base regarding my application status for [Job Title]. Thank you for your time" will do the trick without seeming overly persistent. 

In summary, balancing proactive communication with personal reflection can help you navigate the interview process more effectively. This approach keeps you engaged while allowing sufficient time to gather your thoughts and clarify your understanding of the opportunity. 

Get Feedback and Iterate 🔁

If you experience a rejection, consider reaching out for feedback. Engaging with contacts who are willing to provide insights can be beneficial. Use their input along with your own reflections to improve your approach for future applications. You can message the recruiter and the hiring manager through LinkedIn or email to ask for their insights. Maintaining a forward-looking perspective can help you advance your job search. 

However, don’t be surprised if not everyone responds to your requests. To stay honest with yourself, you can also ask trusted friends, family members, or career professionals to review your resume and provide constructive feedback. 

Conclusion 🪝

Leveraging technology to enhance your CV and utilize data insights can make your job search more efficient and increase your chances of landing interviews. Staying organized and using tools and methods like those I’ve discussed in this article will allow you to tailor your resume for each position, giving you a competitive edge. By combining automation with your personal voice and experiences, you can save time and boost your appeal to employers. Get ready to showcase your skills and pursue great opportunities! 🌟